Hi family!!The area down here in Kentucky is great! I am loving the people and the ward! It has been a weird adjustment from the people of Indiana. It seems that people here are more..high class? I don't know how to explain it. I guess they are more like Utah people. They actually get ready for the day! Not that Indiana people didn't...but they just didn't' care as much I guess. Not in a bad way...just different. haha. But I am getting used to it. We have been having tons of miracles! Last week we found 12 new investigators, which is record for me on my mission! It was a lot of work, but it was great! We talked with everyone that we could, and the Lord blessed us.Thank you for all of your prayers for Camill and Alyssa! They were baptized on Friday night :D :D It was crazy to get it all worked out, but we did it! The Lord definitely blessed us. We didn't get the time confirmed until the night before. So we were trying to let everyone know. But it all worked out and we got the kinks fixed. When we went and filled up the font..we accidently filled it up with freezing cold water...like river water cold! So I had to hold up my skirt and wade into the water to pull the plug out. It was so cold!! But we drained it half way and then filled it up with hot water, so it was perfect. No one was freezing ;) After their baptism we were talking with them as we walked back to the room and they talked about how they didn't want to sit down because they just felt like they were floating :D They said they had never been that happy in their life. I am so excited for them!
We are working with their dad and he wants to get baptized too!! Actually we had a really neat experience with him the day after their baptism. We were putting hearts and sticky notes on their door...and they opened it on us <<AWKWARD.>> But after wards we were walking around the apartment complex and the dad called us over and talked with us for a few minutes. He just thanked us for all that we had done for their family. He said he has felt the spirit so much more in their home. His daughters seems so much happier. He said that the Lord really has blessed them as they have involved him more in their lives. It was so sweet! But what is even more amazing is that we taught them about Fasting the day before their baptism (Thursday). Then on Friday their dad was texting us asking questions about fasting and if you drank water or not. We thought maybe it was the girls texting us on his phone. But when he talked with us on Saturday he told us that he had thought about fasting and how we said it was a way to get extra strength from God and so he tried it! He said he said a prayer and then decided not to eat or drink. He said that as he drove to work he started to get really hungry, but he said a prayer and 5 minutes later the hunger went away. He fasted until about 2pm. Then later that day they got approved for a loan for a house and miracles just started to come!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT?? He had never heard of fasting....and the next day he decides to try it. He has SO much faith!! He is going to be baptized :D The mom hasn't been too interested. She has been supportive for the girls, but not interested herself. But she came to the baptism too and seemed really intent on everything that was said! She had to have felt the spirit :D So we will see how that softens her up :D Their family is just so sweet.We have some more people we are working with, but the challenge with most of the people down here has been getting them to come to church! They are a little bit stubborn and have excuses every time. But we are going to focus on that a lot this upcoming week. I feel like the girl on the district when she says "Just come to church!!!" Our mission has a goal this month for every companionship to baptize a family! and for that to happen, they have to come to church EVERY week for the next 3 weeks. So we are going to pray hard and do our very best.We met a neat Muslim girl this week! There are lots of them here actually. And you would be surprised at how similar their beliefs are to ours! They believe in prophets, and more scriptures. Just not quite the same. There are some major differences... like Jesus Christ being the Savior, not just a prophet. AS I have talked with them, I think that they are just confused by the Christians worlds concept for trinity - three in one. But she seemed really interested! The way she talked with us and looked at us really struck me. It was neat. I felt really comfortable talking to her and you could tell that she really wanted to know what we were doing and what we believed. So we are going back! How neat !! :D I am excited.We have seen many little miracles throughout the week. Whether it was someone talking with us, being able to reach our goals, having awkward missionary moments....(we have lots of those), or having God give us revelation for someone we are teaching that changes their progression. That is all that matters. I am so grateful for all the Lord has done for us here. We are seeing this area explode with new investigators left and right. Now we just have to do our best to take care of those people He has given us.Love,Sister Emilee Farr
Thursday, June 12, 2014
06/02/14 - Week 68! {Week 3 of Transfer 12} "Cold Water"
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